
Total number of films: 203,340
Number of Austrian films (around 85% of all films): 173,800
Number of nitrate films: 12,740
Total number of film reels: 520,000
Total length of all films combined (in meters): 65,000,000
Number of photographs: approximately 2,000,000
Number of film posters: 16,000
Number of film-related books: 17,000
Number of film programs: 48,000
Number of films in our film library (videos, DVDs, electronic files): 25,000
Number of items in the collection of cinema technology: 2,500

Personnel & Facilities

Number of employees: 50
Number of departments: 7
Number of locations: 6
Total basal surface (m2): 28,000
Total effective surface (m2): 7,700
Total effective surface open to the public (m2): 3,750
Capacity of film documentation and realia depositories (in linear meters): approximately 30,000
Number of theaters: 4
Seating capacity of the Historical Theater at the METRO Kinokulturhaus: 161
Seating capacity of the Eric-Pleskow Theater at the METRO Kinokulturhaus: 50
Seating capacity of the Studio Theater Augarten: 50
Seating capacity of the Open-Air Cinema Augarten: 410
Floor space for exhibitions at the METRO Kinokulturhaus (m2): 500
Floor space for exhibitions at the Studiensammlung Laxenburg (m2): 100